Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year-

Well, Happy New Year everyone - I trust everyone is done sleeping off the hangovers or still partying and either way, I know most of you are more than happy to see 2009 leave.  It's been a rough year for some of you and I feel your pain.  My 2009 had an uneventful beginning but ended on a very strong push with new artwork flying out from everywhere thanks to a very special person who's inspiration was just what this crazy s.o.b. needed.

But I digress, I have plenty of new artwork scheduled for the 2010 and I am sure most of it will miss their deadlines and most likely because of unscheduled projects I defer to but there will be one for sure thing beginning very soon...

In January, I will be re-releasing "Olive Park" -a true story that I originally jotted down sometime in 1997 about something that happened in 1994 and released in 2006 unfinished.  It will be the revised version with about 20 additional pages and the original ending instead of the proposed 'alternate' ending that ended up being a bit off the mark.  Sometime a bit later in 2010, I have the follow up story slated for a release and under the working name "Fool in the Rain" but I doubt that title will stick.

Also in the next month, I have the new 'Forever Colors' series of artwork to release pending a poster rights deal and a title change.

And lastly, a poem/story I originally wrote sometime in 1998 titled, "Underneath the Weeping Willow Tree" that has also undergone a recent rewrite.

So for now, hold tight and you should see some promo artwork for Olive Park in the next few days-

I love you and miss you all very much.  -me

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