Tuesday, November 24, 2009

i love.

"No matter what ever happens, I love; no matter how much time passes and what you might think, no matter the miles or reasons or seasons between, no matter what might happen or what eventually will, remember 'I love' and that will always be real." -me

The one single important thing to remember is that I will always mean what I say; forever.

So, this 'Special BLK' release blog will be changing into a complete Artwork Release site for all of my artwork, right after Thanksgiving beginning with all of the Christmas stuff.  I know you'll like it...they look great to me.

Thank you all, Happy Thanksgiving if I don't see you and I love you and miss you very much...

...especially you-especially since you don't even think it's you.


Monday, November 16, 2009


It's almost time for me to begin to share the Christmas designs with you but first I might try and squeeze in a short series of artwork I have had on the back burner for a while now; there is just one problem with it all - it's kind of not a nice bunch of artwork...and being so close to the Holidays I have been back and forth about if I should release it or wait until the New Year.  Well, I am sure I will figure it out soon; I have 3 days left before the 'Special BLK Series' is completely released all over the web and I will have about a week before Thanksgiving to fit some 'other' artwork in.  I know I will at least release the notes on it and at least one 'preview' piece entitled "Love in White" from the new upcoming 'Fierce Series' and I guess we will see how that goes.  Until then, have a great day-I love you all-and I miss you very much...
(especially you)


Saturday, November 07, 2009

Special BLK; #'s 0, 1, 12 and 40

Here they are; the last four (4) pieces of artwork for the 'Special BLK Series' and I just want to make sure I thanked everyone again for being a part of this.  You know, as I was doing these I was reminded of how important everyone was to me; I mean that this gave me the chance to sit there and really think about what someone might have done to impact my life and you get a real sense of worth from doing that.  I have always used my friends and loved ones as inspiration, I mean after all, why else would I even do anymore artwork...I do them so you might enjoy them-nothing more than that.  I have corporate jobs to keep money coming in but I'd stop doing the 'fun stuff' if I thought you didn't care to see it.  I do everything for love in some way shape or form; I love to draw, I love making people happy, for the people I love, to find love...there are all sorts of reasons but this is at it's most basic.

I just want you all to think the next time you get a chance; take a minute and really think about why you are here and what kind of impact someone made on you.  Really think about it and then tell them thank you; tell them you love them completely and make sure they know because one day you might just wake up alone with no one to thank and you will want to go back and you can't.  I have been there; I know that I have always had all of you whenever I need to but everyone needs someone to love and if you don't tell them while you have the chance to...well, I just don't want you to find yourself alone like me.

Special BLK

These are for all of you-
Thank you again, I love you all...especially you.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Special BLK; #'s 42-48

Here they are...and only four (4) more to go tomorrow.  Thank you all again, you are all the reason I am as popular an artist as I am.  I have print orders in my Email Inbox for around 60 prints...so I am thinking that I might do a limited edition set of lithos or what not.  If enough people want them then I guess it's worth it for me to start the presses.  On picasa I have not had that many hits because I am only releasing them to you first but offsite I have been releasing them slowly (I am up to number 8 presently) and the feedback has been very good. I believe that I have about 5,480 hits (compared to about 200 hits for the entire series here for Facebook only) which is pretty good considering I have only released seven pieces of artwork so far.

Special BLK

Thank you all for making this a success-I love you all.
-especially you.
-from me.

Special BLK; #'s 16, 33-39, 41

Hello everyone, here are nine more and by 6pm tonight you should have all but four (4) of them released.  You will not have numbers '0', '1', '12' and '40' until Sat.  I have had too many sleepless nights to worry about what happens next with my life beyond drawing a bunch of pictures so that's all I am going to do for the foreseeable future...it just doesn't seem worth it; there's always someone better than you are...it's always greener on the other side of the fence and I am won't compete with Astroturf and scented candles.

I hope you have all enjoyed everything so far - I should be on my way to LA soon to chat with some important people and then I can begin to map out a schedule for Christmas Artwork as well as getting around to see everyone.

Special BLK

I Love you and miss you all-

-Especially you...seriously...


Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Special BLK; #'s 17-32

I'm not going to wax poetic about anything here, it's just not worth it anymore-I know it falls on deaf ears and there is nothing I can do about that but there's still artwork to look at and a series to finish releasing and to all of you who have been eagerly waiting for more...here they are.  I am sorry it has been so long but the artwork that pays the bills first, then the fun stuff.

I love you all and I hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween.

Special BLK-

*Remember; all the artwork can be downloaded and enjoyed how ever you like.
**Remember, remember; things change all of the time...everything but me; it's never too late.

***Anyone looking for the list - October 15th it was posted; just look at the old post-thnx.