Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Update...on the INCIRCLES Series

For new artwork, scroll down or click on the slideshows to the right!



So far, we have these pieces done and being finished...but the rest-I don't even know...we will just have to see what happens... (currently, 13 of 16)
x   1.      “The Nature of Reality”
x*  2.      “Evolution of a Perfect Heart”
x~  3.      “Tripping the Light Fantastic”
z    4.      "Politely"
x*   5.      “Dig Out Your Soul”
x    6.      “Let Me In The Sound”
v?   7.       “Wake My Mind”
x*   8.      "More Than A Dream"
x    9.      “inthered”
x#  10.     “Simple Things”
x~  11.     "Secrets"
x    12.     "Hanging by a Moment"
x*   13.     "Shove"
x*   14.     "Why Not Smile?"
x#   15.     "Falling Slowly"
z    16.     "All This Time"
-thank you all...
z=near complete/not released
v=concept artwork only
k=may change
?=may be replaced or cut for a different piece

"Why Not Smile"

Hello everyone, this next piece from my "INCIRCLES Series" called "Why Mot Smile" turned out better than I had ever expected...and this one is kinda special to me for a few reasons...

Firstly, I had the idea while I was talking to a friend of mine because it seemed to me that her smile seemed to just light up the room and although this isn't a picture of her at all, I tried to capture the feeling I had and I think it came out pretty darn good.

Secondly, I really enjoyed drawing this one; this is the first that was done entirely paperless-this means no drawing scans required; everything (even all of my 'study' drawings were done with my stylist and drawing pad) and I tried very hard to keep the same idea when drawing with a traditional pencil-so there are no 'weird' filters or effects on the drawing, just deep beautiful colors and my own pen strokes.

And Lastly, again-I tried to do something that wasn't one of my traditional pieces and I think it ended up being one of my favorites of this series.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did creating it.

-Miss you...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"The End"

There's always something to say and I think this might be exactly what many people need to hear.
-Sometimes life just catches you right when you least want it to but regardless what happens, there's always something more to do.

“The End”
By Jason Marshall (for the book “Somewhere This Side of Forever”)

Time stops here.

There are infinite ways to know
Without ever knowing…
There are immeasurable values
Among the few we can gauge.
There are even improbable circumstances
That become more possible every day.

But before you live
You must have realized death-
To have found something worth notice
You would have had to grip some loss
And to have known the answer
You must have once gotten it wrong.

Time is time; they say it waits for no man;
It moves with a swiftness
Only few would understand.

But at the end of it all there is one thing that remains,
A vast nothingness of empty; a void within space.

And yet…within this void, there is this place…
A place where more than not nothing exists;
Yes, here there happens to be something locked from within.

Sealed with a key and protected by time
The End is the answer and the question is the rhyme.
Surrounded by the silence of a void so vast
It’s easy to understand why so few have passed.

It’s much more than just a simple absence in kind
It’s the smallest piece of the smallest part
Of the tiniest object one could imagine in life.

Albeit tiny and unobtrusive; mostly unknown to most
It’s the single most important hiding place
For every single unspoken word.

In the end it’s only the dream not dreamt;
The hand not held; the words not said.
It’s the wish unwished, the mountain not climbed;
It’s the life not lived all because of time.

The minutes tick by as the clock moves on
While the words once fresh become stale…then gone.
One second, one minute, one day, one week…
One month, one year before you say what you think;
With every tick that tocks; with every passing ray of light
It becomes more difficult to remember just why.
“One time, one life, one moment I lost…”
You say to yourself as you curse that thought.
And when it feels too late and you’re at the end
Of your minute, your hour with only seconds to spend,
Might you think that a word; a silly little word
Might it buy you more time, Might it be worth the chance;
The chance to stop time in spite of it’s hand?

In The End it is true, there IS nothing left
But remember that within nothing
There is a small place and a chance…

It is within that nothingness that’s so hard to see.
Too hard to fathom and impossible to believe;
That forever those words still wait and they keep
They wait for a day when too late is all you need.

They’ve always been there and they have always been true
And those words will always ready for that moment deep within you.

Know that simply because it’s never been done,
And just because it’s too late to say
And ultimately it won’t happen now
Means even less every day.

It’s hard to say that it’s never too late
Because The End to anything comes with no date.
Things end abruptly and without cause;
They end with out recourse, notice or awe.
You will only know the end by how much it hurts
And how much is left of your unused words.

In the end my words will be used;
I’ve said what I have because I needed to.
I’ve written and drawn as I feel and think;
I’ve yelled and I’ve fought for what I believe.
And still I will have words left to say
And words forgotten as time swept away

But the most important words I could ever have had
Were the words I’ve had for love;
A love for an hour or an eternity
Whether I’ve said it aloud or in my head
For a friend, to a mate or because of true love;
All those words were perfect in The End.

This “Somewhere this Side of Forever” I leave
Is the place where dreams happen if you believe.
It’s where I leave you to imagine what’s next
In one second, one moment, one lifetime…the end.

Thank you for reading; I love you all.

Monday, May 10, 2010


New for 2010-this is the next in the "INCIRCLE Series" and it's got kind of a retro feel to it.  As with all of the artwork in this series, this isn't really my style but I enjoyed dipping my brain into the deep end for a bit.

Not much of a blog post today but I promise there will be a big one tomorrow called "THE END" and then on Wednesday, you will get one of two new pieces of artwork; "Why Not Smile" or "LETMEINTHESOUND".

Anyway, here's [inthered] -I hope you enjoy it-

I love you and miss you all-
(click the image to view larger and then 'right click' large image and select 'save as' to download)