Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"Why Not Smile"

Hello everyone, this next piece from my "INCIRCLES Series" called "Why Mot Smile" turned out better than I had ever expected...and this one is kinda special to me for a few reasons...

Firstly, I had the idea while I was talking to a friend of mine because it seemed to me that her smile seemed to just light up the room and although this isn't a picture of her at all, I tried to capture the feeling I had and I think it came out pretty darn good.

Secondly, I really enjoyed drawing this one; this is the first that was done entirely paperless-this means no drawing scans required; everything (even all of my 'study' drawings were done with my stylist and drawing pad) and I tried very hard to keep the same idea when drawing with a traditional pencil-so there are no 'weird' filters or effects on the drawing, just deep beautiful colors and my own pen strokes.

And Lastly, again-I tried to do something that wasn't one of my traditional pieces and I think it ended up being one of my favorites of this series.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did creating it.

-Miss you...

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