Thursday, February 25, 2010


I love it that sometimes things can go completely wrong all of the time.
Contrary to popular belief...I have not been writing anything on this blog for anyone in particular unless I have specifically indicated it or you happen to know something I don't...which is possible, I'm not that smart.

-I love you all very much...and for those of you who know what 'especially you' really means...then, especially you.

By: Jason Marshall

I could have been great.
I could have done anything
With my life and my time here;
I could have been unstoppable.

I could have been found,
Instead of just being lost.
Simply waiting around.
I could have had purpose.

I could have been everywhere
Or anywhere that I decided to be,
But most of the time I was nowhere.
I could have been somewhere.

I could have been smarter.
I could have done more,
When I didn’t do nearly enough.
I could have been brilliant.

I could have done many great things with my life.
Things that I didn’t do; things that I decided against.
My fate was set in stone that seemed as soft as sand;
The destiny that was before me changed with every glance.

I could have done good but accidentally I did better.
Accidentally, I flew when I should have been simply running.
Accidentally, I gained the knowledge of things before my time.
Accidentally, I felt music when everyone else was just hearing it.
Accidentally, I knew of love more true when others couldn’t see it.
Accidentally, I believed in the world when everyone else was skeptical.
Accidentally, I discovered myself before anybody knew who they weren’t.
Accidentally, I listened to others instead of telling my own story.
Accidentally, love found me when I never should have deserved it.
And accidentally, I found it all over again.

I could have been great; even unstoppable.
It’s just a good thing that accidents happen
Because accidentally I have more
Than I ever could have dreamt for.

 Incidentally, I am not writing this by any accident.
Actually, this is designed to be exactly what it is
Not for self-reflection or gratification; it’s for you.

It just happens to be accidentally defining precisely
How unmistakably, completely significant that all of my
“Happy mistakes” were actually accidentally on purpose.

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